The Rantapääsky (Sand Martin) Daycare Association

The Rantapääsky Association is the registered parents’ association that runs our daycare centre. The association was founded in 1973 as Vaasa Central Hospital’s daycare association, and was initially on the hospital’s grounds and intended only for the use of hospital staff. The need for daycare places increased and the centre began to outgrow its premises. The association decided to build new premises, and with the helpful cooperation of the City of Vaasa, the new daycare building was completed at Rantakatu 23, in 1985. The bilingual daycare centre has been in operation since then and the Rantapääsky parents’ association can now celebrate 45 years in the daycare branch.

The association is led by a board, which consists of parents of children who are in daycare at Rantapääsky. The board is elected every year and holds meetings on average once a month, or as needed.

The 2022 board consists of:
Chairperson. Anna Höglund
Secretary: Eva Lillhonga

Anders Wik
Lotta Alhonnoro
Elisabeth Krooks

Besides the board, there is also a parents’ committee, which is responsible for organizing fun extras like day trips, garden parties and bazaars, which are a much appreciated element at Rantapääsky. As a parent, you can choose to get involved either in the work of the board or in the parents’ committee, and together we can continue to create a really good daycare centre for the Rantapääsky kids.

You are warmly welcome as a parent to join us in our work for the children’s best!